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Stuart Samuels Calls For The Diamond Industry to Support Natural Diamond Promotion June 05, 2024 (0 comments)


Las Vegas, NV--Stuart Samuels of Premiere Gem Corp. highlights the success of JCK 2024 and presents a pitch for a united advertising approach to promote natural diamonds.

“The one thing that literally everyone speaks about and agrees upon is that the natural diamond industry business is solely lacking in the proper promotion and advertising of their product,” Samuels said in his six-minute video titled “One Team, One Goal.”

He goes on to say that the natural diamond industry lost the promotional battle to lab-grown diamonds and that despite the best efforts of the Natural Diamond Council and De Beers, it is not enough to bridge the gap.

“Even Coca Cola, a company you would think would need no advertising literally spends billions of dollars in a year … advertising and promoting themselves.”

That’s because even the most recognized company in the world needs constant reinforcement of its brand.

“The model we seem to have in our business is a passing around the hat for contributions in exchange for certain commercial benefits.” He argues that this this has limited success and is not sustainable.

The video is an attempt to have a conversation about the issues at hand in the diamond industry. Samuels urges that this video gets shared across the industry to start this conversation.

He is calling for the GIA to collect a “diamond education fee” and the formation of a U.S. “diamond office” to collect a “small fee” for diamond imports. Both of these ideas would go toward the purpose of promoting natural diamonds.

The video is below.

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