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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

10 AI Content Creation Tools That Won’t Take Your Job (But Will Make it Easier) |  April 21, 2024 (0 comments)


As a creative person/marketer, there are two ways I can adapt to the fast rise of Artificial Intelligence - I can be afraid of it, or I can learn to use it.

AI has made a number of my tasks - including writing SEO optimized content - much more streamlined. As a jewelry store, your team can utilize AI, too.  

Check out Hootsuite's article about how you can use AI to your benefit. 

Chapters in this article:

  1. What are AI content creation tools?
  2. Who can benefit from AI content creation?
  3. 10 best AI content creation tools for 2024
  4. Free AI content creation tools
  5. Best practices for using AI-driven content creation tools


About The Author:

Mike Hauben is the Creative Director and Marketing Director for the Centurion Jewelry Show. He has over fifteen years experience and holds a number of digital certifications (Google, Yoast, Hubspot, and more). Mike has gained recognition among the jewelry industry in recent years as a popular keynote speaker, author, and trusted expert. He’s spoke at conferences like Centurion and JCK at the Javits Center.

He’s received an Award Of Excellence from MMA Business Magazine and is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He lives with his family in Atlantic Beach, NY.

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