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3 Common Reasons Why Customers Leave Your Website September 07, 2018 (0 comments)

Websites are the second most-used media to find local businesses. Simply having a site isn’t enough to keep potential customers interested in visiting your store. There could be a number of reasons why your site visitors don’t stay long enough to convert but here are three of the most common: Reason 1: Your Website Isn’t Optimized For Mobile A website that is optimized for mobile is known as a “responsive” website. It’s important for websites to be responsive these days because the reality is that over 60% of all internet searches come from mobile devices. A website that doesn’t work on mobile phones is an outdated website. You could easily be missing out on sales because 60% of the people arriving at your site end up frustrated with how the site functions on their phones. Reason 2: Poor User Experience It’s a fact that every time you make your website visitors click, you lose 50% of them. Don’t hide relevant customer information on several pages. The data shows that doing so will lose you potential customers. Instead, think like your customers. What are they looking for on certain pages of your website? How can you be more helpful? Try to be preemptive in addressing their concerns and continuously remove friction. The more friction you remove, the more sales you’ll make. Reason 3: Slow Load Time 47% of customers expect a website to load in 2 seconds and 40% of customers abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. If you’re losing half of your potential customers before they even see your products, that’s a serious problem. Additionally, Google penalizes websites that take too long to load. As a search engine, they want to provide their users with the most accurate information as quickly as they can. If there is a website that is similar to yours, but loads faster, guess who Google is going to prioritize in their engine.

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