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3 Email Marketing Tips to Improve Jewelry Sales This Holiday Season November 03, 2020 (0 comments)


Holiday sales potential has retailers worldwide scrambling to increase their marketing efforts. Some jewelers are working on increasing the lifetime value of customers, while others are trying to capture as many leads and sales as possible to stay afloat in 2020.

A welcome series is a good start, but you need to take your jewelry email marketing a bit further to boost sales this year.

Note: Every email marketing platform is different, so your platform may or may not have the same exact features outlined below.

1. Abandoned Cart Emails

Cart abandonment, as of March 2019, is a staggering 69.57%. Consumers add products to their cart and never pull out their debit or credit card to make a purchase. There are a lot of reasons a person may abandon their cart, but the most common are:

When the potential buyer has an account and provides their email address, you can take this opportunity to send out a cart abandonment email. The email may provide a 10% off coupon or free shipping on that irresistible pair of earrings in the person’s cart.

Cart abandonment emails have an open rate of over 40% and a conversion rate of 8%. What does this mean?

Recapturing potentially lost sales is possible with a smart, tactical abandoned cart email.

2. Add Trigger Emails to React to User Actions

Behavioral marketing automation, or sending automated messages to a user based on their own actions, is a very powerful form of marketing. One example may be a customer that recently viewed a variety of watches.

Tracking and using this information, many large retailers will create what’s known as a Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) email. A simple email message included in this mail may be “Still looking for the best men’s watches in town? Don’t miss out on these great offers before they’re gone.”

You’ll follow this text and heading with:

The right viewed product triggers can lead to more sales this holiday season.

3. Segment Your Audience to Create Hyper-relevant Emails

If you’re a jeweler offering the best in women’s jewelry, you can use segmentation to create hyper-relevant emails that resonate with your consumers. For example, you can send listings to members of your list between the ages of 18 and 35 a mail with the latest styles, engagement rings, necklaces and other items.

Another segment can be created for people 35 to 55 and so on.

Narrow down the segmentation further by location, but be cautious of the person’s potential likes and dislikes. If you sent out an email for jewelry for teens as a gift this holiday season, you may lose business from members of your list that don’t have kids.

Segmentation works best when you understand the subscriber and what they care about.

While the holiday season is a marketing blitz for companies around the world, email marketing remains one of the best ways to reach your target audience with high conversion rates. The tactics above are just a few of the tactics you can use to generate more revenue from a list that’s, hopefully, already engaged and interested in your products.

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