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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

3 Simple Clienteling Activities Your Sales Associates Should Be Doing July 02, 2019 (0 comments)

1-1.jpg Clienteling is the number one way your sales team can actively work to increase foot traffic and drive sales, yet many don’t do it because it feels too hard to get started.
Clienteling is the number one way your sales team can actively work to increase foot traffic and drive sales, yet many don’t do it because it feels too hard to get started. Here are three simple activities any beginning “clienteler” can do to get started.

Thank you cards and follow up phone calls.

Keep it simple. You want to thank them for their purchase and know how they are enjoying the item. If it was a gift, you also want to ask permission to follow up with the recipient. This is a simple check in to make sure everything has been taken care of for the client and to endure they are happy with their purchase. It should not be seen as a sales call. Store the customer’s name, relevant info, and event they made the purchase for in your book or computer (we have a tool we built specifically for sales associates to help with this). Set a reminder for yourself to do a service call in 3 months.

Service calls.

Make sure to call the recipient of the item (this may be different than the person who made the purchase depending on if it was a gift or self-purchase). Request she come in so you can give a complimentary cleaning and check of her jewelry. Set an appointment. While she is in the store, get to know her – her likes, dislikes, family, upcoming events/vacations. Introduce her to the store if she has never been in and update her wish list with three different price points. Get important dates (i.e. birthday, anniversary). Make sure to add this information to her profile in your book or computer (again, a simple retail CRM might be helpful here).

Celebration reminders.

Two weeks prior to a client’s special event, call the gift giver and remind him or her of the celebration. “Mr. Jones, I’m not sure what you have planned for your anniversary, but if you are thinking jewelry I know of several items in different price points that Mrs. Jones has on her wish lift.” Offer to have the selection ready for his consideration at a time that is convenient for him. Make an appointment! It will be the easiest sale you’ve ever made. Clienteling should be a non-negotiable standard in your store. Your customer’s satisfaction should be your sales team’s top priority. Doing this will provide your customers with an experience unmatched by your competition and will make the competition irrelevant.

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