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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

3 Ways to Boost Your Visual Marketing Usage November 19, 2018 (0 comments)

7.jpg The content you create for your customers is key to building brand awareness and loyalty. The way people interact with social media shows that consumers are looking for visual cues when shopping for jewelry. eMarketer found in 2014 that branded Facebook posts that included images earned 87% of all engagements. You may be surprised to learn that people only retain 20% of the text they read but retain 80% of the visuals they see. Although it’s important to utilize both in your marketing messaging, it’s clear that images can be more impactful. Here are three ways to boost your visual marketing usage.

Actively Use Pinterest

Instagram is a key visual tool you can use to grow your brand but don’t underestimate the value that Pinterest can have. Create engaging blog posts on your website that are accompanied by visuals. You can pin these articles to your Pinterest account to make it easier for jewelry buyers to find you. “Engagement rings Pinterest” is a common Google search term, proving that Pinterest is one of the first places shoppers go when trying to get inspiration for the ring or wedding band of their dreams.

Create Infographics

Infographics that educate users about the basics of jewelry buying can serve two purposes. On one hand it can make it easier for your customer to make a decision on what they would like to purchase. On the other hand, it adds value to your customer’s life without expecting anything in return. Be as helpful as possible to your clients before they even step foot in your store. When they search for information on the “4 C’s of Diamond Buying” or “Earring Styles” they can easily learn the basics with a beautiful infographic.

Post Videos to Engage with Your Audience

Create videos with your staff to explain your company mission, the history of your jewelry store, and/or introduce your staff members. These videos can be posted on your website and on the highlights section of your Instagram page. By making a video instead of writing text, it makes it easier for your customer to form a personal connection to you and your brand. Establishing a personal connection online will make people more likely to visit your store.