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3 Ways Your Jewelry Store Can Use TikTok October 01, 2020 (0 comments)

TikTok has around 100 million monthly active users within the US. It's extremely visual, making it a great marketing channel for jewelers and jewelry brands - especially for those targeting younger buyers like engagement ring shoppers. However, TikTok is getting interest from people of all ages now. Now nearly 38% of TikTok’s users within the US are now above 30.

One thing to consider before leveraging TikTok for marketing, though, is the platform's ongoing controversy with data privacy. Keep this in mind:

"TikTok skirted a privacy safeguard in Google’s Android operating system to collect unique identifiers from millions of mobile devices, data that allows the app to track users online without allowing them to opt out, a Wall Street Journal analysis has found.

The tactic, which experts in mobile-phone security said was concealed through an unusual added layer of encryption, appears to have violated Google policies limiting how apps track people and wasn’t disclosed to TikTok users. TikTok ended the practice in November, the Journal’s testing showed."

-The Wall Street Journal

TikTok 101

The platform is based around 15 second videos that users can upload, share, and promote. You can add effects and background music to their videos.

This caused tons of users to make great dance videos, which often go viral. This has been a huge reason TikTok grew so fast.

Just like on Facebook, users can "like", comment on, or share videos they love - and TikTok's engagement levels are through the roof. In fact, a recent study showed that TikTok beats all other platforms when it comes to engagement levels across accounts of all sizes.

Here are three ways your jewelry store can start using TikTok's tremendous marketing potential.

1. Creating TikTok Marketing Videos

Creating fun videos is the heart of the platform - so you should do it. The content and style of TikTok content are different from those on other social media platforms, so spend some time exploring and seeing what other users are publishing.

The simplest way to create videos is by logging into the TikTok App and clicking on the “plus” sign at the bottom.

You’ll then see the screen that allows you to record videos. You can record a short video or combine videos for a maximum of 60 seconds. You can also add effects and filters to your video on this screen.

When you've finished creating your masterpiece, you'll be brought to the upload screen.

This is where you'll choose your video description (write something explanatory and catchy) and who will see your video (public or not).

There are two other import things on this screen:

  1. Hashtags - This is where you'd enter the hashtags that relate to your video. The hashtags you select can have a significant impact on the “discoverability” of your video. We'll cover this in the next chapter.
  2. Cover - You can also choose a “cover,” which gives your viewers a preview of the video. The cover you choose has a big impact on the success of the video! You should select a cover image that shows something really exciting in the clip. This is the hook to get them to watch the video.

Once you’re done with all of this, you can click on “Post,” and the video will be added to your library.

Interesting Content Rules TikTok.

The core way to succeed with TikTok is to create exciting content. It's the only way to get more people to watch and engage with your videos. It's also what helps the TikTok algorithm decide how often to show your content.

The best types of videos are relatable or solve some kind of problem for the user. I'd recommend brainstorming the pain points of your customers and see how you could answer their questions or frustrations in your videos.

Funny content is always more likely to go viral. For example, a joke about jewelry, a funny engagement story, or something that your target audience can relate to. Using filters or certain songs can make your informational videos more engaging.

Using TikTok Hashtags Are Crucial

If you want people to find your content on TikTok, you need to put some thought into "TikTok SEO", as Neil Patel calls it. This is done by using the right hashtags so your videos are found by the right people.

If you don’t know what hashtags you should use, type in a relevant, broad keyword within the search section on TikTok. When you do this, TikTok will suggest a range of hashtags associated with what you typed.

Your hashtags will appear in your video’s caption, and captions are limited to 100 characters. So you might just want to focus on a few key hashtags so you have more space to write a description for your video.

2. Running TikTok Ads.

TikTok offers five different kinds of paid ads for businesses to use:

In-feed ads seem to get the best results. Additionally, the other ad types are extremely costly and require some major ad budgets.

TikTok allows you to target people based on various interests and engagement behaviors. Just like Facebook, TikTok also offers “custom audience” and “lookalike audience” targeting to help you reach your existing customer base or find new ones.

Custom Audiences allow you to upload a customer/email list that TikTok will then target on their platform (it will match the email addresses to TikTok user profiles).

Lookalike Audiences, on the other hand, will tell TikTok to show your ads to people similar to your best followers.

3. Leverage Influencers

Influencer marketing is popular because it can be one of the fastest ways to generate results on a social media platform. It works - audiences trust the people they follow on social media. If a local expert (influencer) is showing off your products to their followers, you better believe that their followers will usually be interested.

Finding the right influencers can be difficult. However, TikTok has developed something called the “TikTok creator marketplace.”

If you join this marketplace, you will see the metrics associated with a given influencer. With this data’s help, it may be a lot easier to determine if an influencer is right for your product/service and if the ROI is there.

Has your store tried TikTok yet? Let us know in the comments!

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