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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

4 Ways to Increase Email Signups for Your Jewelry Store November 23, 2020 (0 comments)


Email marketing is a cost-effective way to drive new customers to your jewelry store. Every $1 spent on email marketing provides a return of $45-$51.

Although effective, one of the biggest challenges of succeeding with email marketing is growing your list. 

How do you get more visitors to sign up for your jewelry store’s email newsletter? Here are four ways.

1. Offer Exclusive Deals and Promotions

One of the best ways to boost your jewelry store’s email signups is to offer exclusive deals and promotions. A report from DMA found that 60% of users signed up for email newsletters just to receive discounts offers and promotions.

The prospect of saving money on their jewelry purchase will be enticing enough to get many users to sign up.

Offer a discount (10% off is a popular choice) or special deal just for signing up. 

2. Make it as Easy as Possible to Sign Up

Don’t make your visitors jump through hoops just to sign up for your email newsletter. The trend is moving towards only asking for the visitor’s email address, but you may want to capture their first name as well. 

Knowing the subscriber’s name will make it easy to personalize your emails. In the jewelry business, it’s important to be personal when communicating with your customers and prospects. After all, buying jewelry is a personal thing and an investment. 

Long and complicated forms will only turn off your visitors and discourage people from signing up. 

By asking for two simple pieces of information – first name and email address – it’s much easier and enticing to sign up for a newsletter.

3. Make Your Opt-In Visible

If you want to increase your email subscribers, don’t hide your opt-in form somewhere in the corner or at the bottom of the page. 

Make use of scrolling percentage, time delayed and exit intent pop ups to get your form in front of more eyeballs. 

Use language and colors that align with your brand and speak to your audience.

Along with making your opt-in visible on your website, it’s also important to make sure that you’re sharing your form on your social media accounts and encouraging subscribers to forward your email messages to their friends and family. Adding a link in your social media bio section is a great way to get more people to your sign-up form.

4. Make it Worth Their While

Discounts on sign-up and exclusive offers is one great way to get people to sign up for your email newsletter. But there are other incentives that you can offer as well, such as:

An enticing incentive will attract new subscribers, but it must be something that will be worth their while.

Growing your email list will be an ongoing process, and it’s important to continually tweak your strategy to succeed. The reward will be well worth the effort when you increase sales and boost brand awareness through your email list.

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