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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

8 Out Of 10 TikTok Videos By Brands Fail To Capture Attention |  September 15, 2024 (0 comments)


Greg Jarboe wrote a great article on Search Engine Journal explaining that 8 out of 10 TikTok videos are... well... boring.

He explains "Despite TikTok’s increasing importance to marketers, the majority of brands are not getting it right, and their videos on the social media platform are under-performing."

I encourage you check out his article - there is a lot of great info inside, along with links to other similar aricles to help boost your TikTok video success.

Read The Full Article Here

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About The Author:

Mike Hauben is the Creative Director and Marketing Director for the Centurion Jewelry Show. He has over fifteen years experience and holds a number of digital certifications (Google, Yoast, Hubspot, and more). Mike has gained recognition among the jewelry industry in recent years as a popular keynote speaker, author, and trusted expert. He’s spoke at conferences like Centurion and JCK at the Javits Center.

He’s received an Award Of Excellence from MMA Business Magazine and is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He lives with his family in Atlantic Beach, NY.

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