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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

Creating Social Content While 
Working From Home Pt. l: Still Life Product Shots June 09, 2020 (0 comments)



Although consumers currently have ample time to scroll through their social apps, there's also an overwhelming amount of content to view. Curating interesting and attractive imagery is essential to standing out in a saturated landscape. 

Avoid Plain Product Shots. Simple product photography on a white background is great for your e-com site, but can easily be overlooked on social.

Consider combining multiple pieces in one shot and playing with the layouts and angles. Keep in mind that odd numbers are usually most appealing, and you should experiment with non-centered shots while keeping the main product the image's focus. 

Props can also be very useful in creating an interesting composition. Look around your house! Try laying your jewelry on different fabrics and surfaces and utilizing household objects.

No Camera? No Problem! If you don't have a high quality digital camera on hand, that doesn't mean you can't take beautiful product images! Today's smartphones are capable of taking excellent photos - especially for social media. When you find a look that aligns with your brand, try to emulate these settings on your future photos to create a cohesive-looking social feed. Follow these recommendations:

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