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Facebook Targeting Techniques 101 For Jewelers: Special Audiences June 29, 2020 (0 comments)


For jewelers looking to increase their social media success, moving beyond simply "posting" is the first place to start. Paid ads are a much more effective way to put your message in front of the right type of consumer. Unlike posting - which simply puts your post in front of a small number of people who already follow your page - paid ads enable you to target specific demographics. Paid ads also give you advanced analytics (information on who saw and took action on your ad).

So where should you start if you're looking to begin paid ads with Facebook? The first place is working on your Custom Audiences. The second place is then to move onto creating Lookalike Audiences.

Facebook Custom Audiences

When you post anything on Facebook, Facebook will show your post to roughly 2% of the people who follow your page. This is great for promoting things to people who already know your brand. But running a set of paid ads to a Custom Audience is a great way to reach NEW people.

What is a Facebook Custom Audience? It's just a list of email addresses that you can upload to Facebook to tell them who you want to target with your ads. You do this right from within the Facebook Business Manager. First, you create and name the custom audience. Then when you run an ad, you'll be able to select this custom audience from a drop down of who you want to target with the ad.

This enables you to:

  1. Show ads to previous customers
  2. Retarget to people who gave you their email address on your site but didn't purchase something
  3. Show ads to people who visited a trunk show or in-store event
  4. Show ads to newsletter subscribers

Or more!

Facebook Lookalike Audiences

After you've used Custom Audiences to target groups of people who have already showed interest in your products, it's time to start broadening our reach and visibility to new customers. One great way to do this is by using Facebook Lookalike Audiences.

A Lookalike Audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to your best existing customers. Facebook uses an algorithm based on the characteristics of your existing top followers. They use this knowledge of your followers to display your ads to similar people who may also like your page. For example, if Facebook knows you have a lot of followers who are 30-40 year old married women that also follow Pandora's Facebook page, they can find new 30-40 year old married women in your area who follow Pandora's page.

You can also create a Lookalike Audience from your Facebook Pixel. This enables you to create a lookalike audience from people who visited your website.

Both these strategies are pretty simple to setup and will help your jewelry store or brand grow your reach and customer base on Facebook.

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