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How Google Ads Work: Quality Score June 01, 2020 (0 comments)


Are you a jeweler who is completely new to Google? This is a great place to start.

Understanding how Google works is the first step to succeeding online. After all, Google connects you to potential customers who are actively searching for your goods and services at this very moment. Therefore, these are highly qualified leads - they’re actively researching products and/or looking for them in your local area.

Google lets you capitalize on this audience in two ways. The first is with paid advertising, known as Google Ads. The second is with organic listings. With both these tactics, Google wants to make sure they’re always giving the searcher the most relevant information possible. They want to answer the searchers questions and help them find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible. 

What is Quality Score and How Does it Work?

When you create a Google Ads campaign, Google will judge your campaign and website. This combined assessment is known as your Quality Score. They use this quality score to reward advertisers for showing more relevant, meaningful ads. It also rewards advertisers who have faster loading websites, because Google knows their users will appreciate this more.

Google will still show your ads if you have less relevant information or a slow website - you’ll just pay a lot more money for your ads and likely won’t show up in the top locations.

This is why it’s often smart to work with a Google Ads agency. The investment of working with an experienced pro will make sure your Google ads stay cost efficient and profitable! Click here for our recommended agency partners.

Your Quality Score has three main parts:

Ad Relevance

How relevant is your ad in relation to the user’s search? Google’s top priority, above all else, is to give the searcher the most relevant and accurate information possible. Therefore, they always want to show the most relevant ads to their users.

Your ad should have a direct correlation to the user’s search. Specifically, we recommend showing ads with the exact keyword text in them for the search terms you’re targeting. This is a surefire way of making sure you’re reaching the right people as well as making sure Google views your ad as relevant.

Trying to target someone searching for the search term “diamond engagement ring New York”? Then make sure to put the words “diamond engagement ring” and “New York” in the ad title.

Landing Page

The next important factor that contributes to your Quality Score is the specific page that users will be brought to after clicking your ad. This is called a landing page. 

Obviously, if your ad says “diamond engagement rings in New York” and the ad brings visitors to a page about ring insurance plans, thats not a very accurate ad for the searcher - they were likely looking to shop for engagement rings, not ring insurance plans!

Google’s technology understands these types of differences, and rewards advertisers with lower ad costs and higher ad positions who bring searchers to exactly what they were searching for.

Expected Clickthrough Rate

How do your ad campaigns typically perform? Is your click-through rate better or worse than your competitors? Google trusts it’s users, and over time rewards (trusts) advertisers who repeatedly serve relevant ads to their searchers. 

Improving your Quality Score is the first step to lower Google Ad costs and targeting more relevant searchers.

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