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How to Create the Perfect Social Media Post November 13, 2018 (0 comments)

Screenshot-2018-11-13-09.56.12.png With the amount of social media platforms out there, putting up the right post for the right audience on the right site can be overwhelming. How can you separate your brand from the sheer volume of voices that are constantly chattering on social media? Simply put, you need to optimize your posts for each social network. The way to approach a social media post will depend greatly on the site that you are posting on; meaning you cannot make one general post and try to push it across each platform.
  1. Facebook: Let’s look at the most popular social media platform out there. When posting on Facebook, you need to ensure that your posts stay upbeat and positive. Users are more likely to engage with your posts if you have a positive post. Your posts should also be informative, but not share all of the information. You want them to go to your site directly for the rest of the information, so if you can draw them in, you can connect them to your brand. Someone should also be available to communicate with users who comment on your posts, encouraging further engagement.
  2. Instagram: Instagram is an excellent place to showcase your product and show off your brand. As a bonus, since it is now owned by Facebook, Instagram posts will also appear on Facebook. With Instagram, you have to utilize the right hashtags to connect the post with the ideal customer. You should also keep up with what hashtag is hot this week to keep engagement high. Since Instagram is picture-based, make sure your photos are clear, consistent, and well-edited.
  3. Twitter: Twitter is limited on characters, so you have to be careful. Because this is a business, you need to use proper punctuation and grammar within only the 140 characters. Do not lose customers over poor grammar. Call to actions, questions, and facts will encourage retweets and inspire users to engage with you.
  4. Pinterest: With Pinterest, you will need to focus on the picture itself in order to get users to pin it. For jewelry companies, for example, keep human faces out of the picture and hone in on the jewelry itself. The colors pink, red, and dark green have been shown to receive three times the amount of repins than other colors while red and orange get twice the amount of repins.
While there are many other social media platforms out there, these four are definitely the most-used within the jewelry industry, and the most useful to get your brand in front of potential customers. The goals between them are the same, even though the method of posts are not. Focus on engagement, by getting users to comment and share the post with their friends in order to get it to spread further out. Shorter posts that have eye-catching photos will be more attractive to users than longer posts. If you want to have a longer post, use it as a blog on your brand’s website and use the social media platforms to share the link and get users back to your website directly. Give your potential customers an inside look of how amazing your brand is. They will be more than happy to engage with brands they relate to. If you would like to further discuss potential social media strategies for your jewelry store, contact our digital marketing and social media experts at GemFind.