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How to Use Social Ads to Promote Your Online Jewelry Store August 17, 2018 (0 comments)

Lisa Nik new piece Many retailers are aware of the tools they should use in order to promote their products, in this case, jewelry. Yet, not many retailers dedicate the time necessary to learn the appropriate tools or experience results. This means that if you decide to truly invest time and energy in the creation and maintenance of your social media ads, you are already way ahead of your competitors.   In this article, we are going to go over three different social media platforms through which you can do paid advertising: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We will focus more on Facebook and Instagram since they are the more image-driven, and given the visual appeal of jewelry, images are a very important part of your advertising game. We have a long way to go, so let’s get started! 1.Facebook Ads Facebook is still the most visited social media network in the world and it is your duty to use that to your advantage. See what I did there? Let’s go over the creation of your first ad on Facebook. Use the following guidelines:
  • Focus on the user. The ad headline and copy should be short and directed towards the user- think of focusing on the word “you” (referring to the reader). Speak to your ideal audience in a way that will resonate with them and display what is it that makes your store and jewelry unique.
  • Include a call to action. Every single one of your ads must also include a call to action. It can be within the text and/or displayed in the call to action button. Why? Because it encourages users to take action. We want to prevent causing user confusion that can push the user to abandon the site. Make your call to action even more effective by adding urgency such as “limited time sale”, or “only a few items left”.
  • Choose a photo that creates emotion. The photo is even more important than your copy since it help grab the user’s attention. Choose an image that stands out from the blue and white Facebook background. Also, try to avoid stock photos, no matter how beautiful they can be, people are already conditioned to skip them. Show your product in a bright and colorful way and do not forget the 20% rule. This means that your ad image should be 80% image and 20% text. This simple fact can represent the difference between high or low engagement.
  • A/B Testing. Create at least two types of ad and evaluate which one generates the most engagement. For example, if Valentine’s Day is coming up and you want to promote your diamond rings, you can run a slideshow and a carousel ad advertised on parallel to find the best performing version. If you create a video, try to do it in a way that it does not need any sound to be understood. Research tells us that 80% of users react negatively to videos that surprise them with sound in their newsfeed. Since it is not expected, the audience just finds it annoying and will want to scroll away.
  • Test Your Targeting Audience. Test a variety of target segments to find the segment of users driving the highest quality results. If you have a small budget, sit down and ponder which is truly your ideal type of customer and direct your campaign towards them. Having a target around 100,000 people is a great number to start if you do not want to invest a lot of money on your first time.
  1. Instagram Ads
The key difference between Instagram and others social media platforms are pictures. Behind every Instagram photo –or at least behind the photos posted by users who actually care about aesthetics– there was a creative process and, possibly, hundreds of other almost identical photos. This means that the one that made it to your feed was carefully selected and probably even edited with more than the Instagram filters you already know about. Follow these guidelines when creating your Instagram ads: Reflect your brand’s personality. Incorporate your brand’s logo or just the color and create an aesthetic that your audience will be able to identify with your brand. A jewelry brand that has mastered this brand aesthetic identification is Tiffany & Co (@tiffanyandco) with its signature turquoise color. Try to make your brand as easy to recognize as Tiffany!
  • Create engaging content. Instagram is also all about what you want your audience to think and feel when bumping into one of your photos. Apart from creating a visual theme that is attractive, your content must also be engaging. Remember, people take most of their decisions based on emotions. Share a true story your audience can identify with and create an emotional bond with them.
  • Keep an ideal size. The ideal size of an Instagram ad image is 1080 x 1080 pixels. On the other hand, if you are posting a video it should not be more than 30 seconds long and its size should not surpass 30MB. Now, do not make the image too busy, make the focal point strong, keep the resolution high, and always align the frame. Users are becoming very selective about who to follow and they like beautiful clean images to decorate their feeds.
  • Use relevant hashtags. Last but not least, we cannot talk about Instagram without mentioning the importance of relevant hashtags. Before running your ad, do a hashtag research and include them below your caption. You can use up to thirty hashtags related to jewelry, online stores, necklaces, rings, watches.
Be selective and do not use hashtags that have been included in more than a million posts. You should aim for those that revolve around 10k and 100k number of posts so that your ad is more likely to be found by a user that is just happening to be searching for one of the hashtags you included in the caption of your image.
  1. Twitter Ads
Twitter advertising may not offer the same powerful tools Facebook offers, however, you can still create a powerful paid campaign through this platform and I will show you how. Since you are running an online jewelry store, you are probably more interested in website clicks than on followers. In order to achieve this goal, Twitter incorporated a Website Card. Apart from only including the link, this feature shows a preview photo and additional information about your site, accompanied by a call to action button, driving relevant traffic to it. Twitter provides similar target option to the ones offer by Facebook- see below:
  • Interests: this is a way to target a broad audience by choosing categories and subcategories that are relevant to your brand.
  • Followers: This option allows you to reach the followers of accounts that are similar to yours. This means that they are, in a way, already interested in your products, you just need to show them to this potential new audience.
You can also define a target audience by selecting specific keywords they use, geography, age, gender, and even the device from which they access Twitter. Once you have finished with the targeting options, select the tweet you want to promote and view the results! I hope you found this information on social media campaigns useful for your online store. You can start with one social media platform and see how it goes. Remember, if an ad campaign does not go the way you planned, do not feel frustrated. You can always stop the campaign and start a new one. Little by little you will realize what it is about your brand that drives more people in. Good luck and let me know how it all goes in the comments!