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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

Hulu Launches Beta For Self-Serve Ad Platform September 11, 2020 (0 comments)


OTT (Over-the-top) advertising has been gaining popularity over the years by giving advertisers the ability to target consumers on streaming platforms with custom video ads. Popularity has risen even more in recent months given the circumstances at hand with COVID-19. Overall OTT viewership along with subscriptions to streaming platforms have increased significantly with more people choosing to stay at home viewing video content. Additionally, OTT continues to provide advantages for both large corporations looking to get more granular on their messaging, along with small businesses who sometimes can’t afford Broadcast TV or Cable: A more cost-efficient ad structure with data targeting capabilities tied to broadcast-level viewerships and an endless amount of content.

One of the few limitations OTT has had up to now lies ability to run exclusively on specific programs or platforms, with larger-scale OTT buys consisting of bundles of multiple networks / platforms. One platform that has been seemingly difficult to pinpoint for small businesses, but has always attracted attention, is Hulu. Historically, Hulu’s ad platform had been geared more towards national business, with high monthly minimums in place and little-to-no local service provided for small business owners looking to get started.

With Hulu’s latest beta launch of their self-serve platform, many independent jewelers across the country will now be able to target bridal consumers viewing over 50 hours of OTT content per month on their platform. Hulu TV now allow consumers to gain access to over 100 networks in addition to the traditional Hulu streaming service as well, giving advertisers more places to deliver their ads to. With an advertising agency or in-house marketing director to manage your campaign, this new platform will allow significant touch points with qualified consumers in your market at a cost-efficient rate and with targeting segments based on most demographics and behavioral interests.

Our agency is currently enrolled in the new beta platform and we are excited to provide our feedback once we’ve seen everything Hulu has to offer! Stay tuned…

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