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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

Inbound Marketing 2: Why Does Content Matter So Much? May 16, 2018 (0 comments)

twenty20_591e1087-83e9-4d2b-8eb3-c961d6fe6f4a.jpg In my last article, I explained how important it is for small businesses to produce content on a regular basis. Inbound Marketing is the idea of using worthwhile content to attract visitors - creating genuine value for them and positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry. If your visitors believe you're an expert in your field, they're more likely to buy from you. Ultimately, creating content shows your visitors that you're the person they should be working with. But, perhaps even more importantly - without content, you won't be found. Getting found on Google revolves around creating content on a regular basis. Why? Because Google finds you by finding words on your pages. Far too often, jewelers think theres a magic wand that lets Google find you. Yes, there are many many technical on-page and off-page strategies to help you compete for higher Google rankings. But lets start with the most basic way to improve - add a bunch of relevant information to your website so Google knows what the heck you're all about. Content is also the focus of your social media strategy. Having a successful social media execution also revolves around creating content on a regular basis. Otherwise, what are you going to share on social media? Without creating articles and content, the only thing you HAVE to share are typical ads and pictures of jewelry. Theres value in this, sure. But theres more value in the content - people "like" cute pictures online but rarely does it compel people to buy. Content may not be a magic cure to get people to make a purchase on the spot. But we use content as a way to brand ourselves throughout the year to our customers so that they come to us when they are ready to purchase. An inbound-first approach is customer-centered and drives value for your customers - rather than bothering them. It's about being helpful and helping them make the most educated purchase possible. And by being the person who helped them through this journey, they're more likely to work with you. In the next article, we'll review the first steps of creating a content-first digital marketing plan.

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