Inbound Marketing Magic: Content Is King
May 02, 2018 (0 comments)
What if there was one thing we could do that would make our social media way more powerful, increase our SEO, and strengthen the brand loyalty we have with our customers?
There is. Its called Inbound Marketing, and its a must-adopt philosophy for jewelers wanting to stay as strong as possible in the coming years.
What is Inbound?
Inbound Marketing, essentially, is the concept of proving value and brand authority before asking your customer for a sale. In the online world, far too many business owners show the same boring ads and posts as everyone else. Sure, its cute to post cute pictures of kittens with your jewelry. But is that post really going to increase brand loyalty or drive a sale? Not really. It will simply get a chuckle.
It used to be difficult to get press out and keep the world informed about our business. Social media and websites have given us the opportunity to create our own great content that our audience actually wants to click on and read about.
In 2018, we need to become content creators. I can't stress this enough - if you're not writing blog posts to attract people to your website, you're really missing the heart of digital marketing.
You may be thinking to yourself "but Mike, Im a jeweler, not a writer. I don't want to have to spend an hour every couple of days writing a short article or piece about us". Well, I don't really know what to tell you. If you're not willing to do the things needed in your market to stay in business, I guess that's your prerogative.
Producing content has many powerful benefits. Over the next month or so, we'll gain a better understanding of Inbound Marketing and how to really use it to drive sales to your store.
For now, remember why content is important:
- Producing content gives us something meaningful to share across social media
- Producing content boosts our Google rankings
- Producing content gives us interesting ways to collect visitor contact info
- Producing content positions yourself as the authority in your industry
- Producing content generates brand loyalty
We'll soon get into the nuts and bolts of creating a successful inbound campaign, and understanding Inbound Marketing in it's entirety.