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Let’s Have A (Live) Chat March 04, 2020 (0 comments)


Trust, kindness, and communication form the basis of any successful relationship.

Especially, and more crucially, in the stranger dynamic between consumer and merchant. One cannot survive without the other, and there is an expectation to provide and for satisfaction that needs to be met for it to be a successful one. That’s where the idea of customer service comes into play, in the guarantee that the experience was pleasurable and that the customer is inclined to return and provide further business. This conversation can happen in many different types of platforms. However, in a world of big corporations that feel out of reach to the lay person, consumers crave the friendliness and ease of communication that are present in mom and pop shops and small businesses.

In 2020, a Live Chat customer service is one of the latest trends to hit the online business world. Below you’ll find a host of reasons why this feature is the one to grab on to and add to your website.

1. Convenience is Key

With the advent of texting, our joint societal attention span and way of communicating was forever changed. While a prompt email does the trick, email in general cannot guarantee the time frame of a reply. As we have now come to adapt to the quick response time of a computer, we expect that in a professional setting like that in a financial transaction, and even find it unprofessional to be kept waiting. With Live Chat, an establishment of time is created that the consumer can trust and feel that their needs are being prioritized.

2. Chatting is Caring

Offering a Live Chat service is also a great way to show that you care about your consumers and their experience. As a business, your customers satisfaction is of the utmost importance, so why not create a platform for them to communicate with you easier and guarantee that every interaction is a positive one? Automated responses on the other end of the phone notoriously make people frustrated, and the wait time and being put on hold by a customer service agent never provides the security the consumer needs. Be the peoples company and make easy customer service the base of your brands ethos.

3. Securing the Sale

As online shoppers, we’re so used to the idea of customer service being a by product of the consumer experience. Because of this, it often has a negative connotation, that the only real need to establish that conversation is after a negative incident. We’re here to say that customer service is not limited to reporting a problem and having that problem fixed. Customer service entails servicing the customer, and doing so at every point of their experience with your business. People have always had questions about the products they’re interested in, but they generally have to do more research or just take a chance and purchase because of the pangs of contacting customer support. With Live Chat, you can be there and direct the consumer to what they’re looking for and answer any questions that could prevent future dissatisfaction. A smart choice is also messaging the consumer when they land on the page and let them know of your presence if they need you. Just because you’re an online business doesn’t mean that you can’t be an in person service representative and guarantee the sale.

4. Be the Early Bird

Lastly, it comes down to the fact that Live Chat is a new feature that many companies don’t offer yet. While it may be common practice within the next year, pioneering this service will put you ahead of competing businesses and create more pleasurable experiences for consumers to return to.

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