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Maximizing In-Store Holiday Shopping Experiences October 30, 2019 (0 comments)

1.gif Retail has become increasingly focused on creating experiences rather than just facilitating transactions. During the holidays, this experiential retail strategy becomes even more important. According to Forbes, 74% of Americans prefer to spend money on experiences over products. Unique and more well thought out shopping experiences means your customers are more willing to linger in store for longer periods of time, and, ultimately, leave feeling like they had the best jewelry buying experience.   

Curate in-store displays with gift suggestions.

A Bazaarvoice survey found that 61% of people browse in-store or online for inspiration on what to gift their loved ones. Jewelry retailers can take advantage of this by curating in-store displays that advise customers on what to buy for specific people such as their parents or significant other. Any shopping experience that helps shoppers—especially last minute ones—make quicker decisions is worth implementing. It also gives customers a starting point for gift ideas when they approach your sales associates. Associates should have an easier time pinpointing what jewelry fits their needs when the customer already has something in mind.   

Create a festive multisensory experience.

Another benefit of shopping in-store during the holiday season is the festive ambiance. As a matter of fact, 42% of respondents in the Bazaarvoice survey cited this ambiance as a reason for wanting to shop in store, while 88% of people said seeing holiday decor and festive in-store events were important to them. You can achieve this shopping experience on a smaller scale with the music you play, or the food and drinks you offer customers. On a larger scale, hosting holiday themed in-store events can draw in potential customers and increase excitement among your loyal ones.   

Offer holiday specific services.

Shoppers may feel overwhelmed during this time of year. By offering holiday specific services that make getting ready for the holidays as easy as possible, you’ve created a tangible benefit to shopping at your physical store. Offering complimentary services such as gift wrapping can help you exceed customers’ expectations.  

Create Instagrammable moments in store

Crafting Instagrammable moments in your physical store is a growing trend in retail. Millennials, in particular, are drawn to environments that are selfie-worthy. Your store events are an excellent opportunity to create spaces where your customers can stop to take photos for their social media feeds. By posting about your business online, your store visitors become your brand ambassadors, informing others about how unique your shopping experiences are.  According to Accenture’s Annual Holiday Shopping Survey, in person holiday shopping experiences will be more popular in 2019. Jewelry retailers have a tremendous opportunity to have unique in-store experiences that will leave customers excited about shopping there during the end of 2019 and beyond. 

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