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Social Media Posting Strategies For Jewelers During Covid-19 April 27, 2020 (0 comments)


These are especially trying times to be running a business. Now that many of our storefronts are in temporary states of closure, most are forced to rely on digital means to bring in customers, with social media being a prime way to do so. But you may be struggling to understand what kind of content is both favorable and appropriate in our current global situation. Don’t fret. Below we’ve compiled several posting strategies and advice to get your posts the attention they deserve and make your business’ social media account a driving force in sales.

Post! Post! Post!

First off, it’s important to know that it’s still okay to post your regular content on your accounts. Social Media is all about relevancy and if you’re not frequently posting, it’s easy for your business to be forgotten and mixed in with many others. In fact, since social media posts are a great way to make your business stand out, now is the time to be posting more than ever. As a majority of our population are currently staying at home, social media and internet activity are up 2-3 times, meaning that your consumers are out there and frequently stumbling on social media campaigns like yours. Even if your posts don’t score a sale straight away the digital visibility you have right now can carry you into a very profitable season.

Focus on Compassion

 Another important thing to consider when creating your social media plan during COVID-19 is to be compassionate. In this period of hardship, everyone-be they sick or healthy-has been affected by this disease, and posting content that responds to our shared global emotion is the way to go. Photos that highlight the stunning jewelry in your collection but also evoke feelings of togetherness draw consumers in under an umbrella of comfort. Photos like a mother serving her child dinner while wearing a wonderful selection of rings, or bracelet clad hands held together in unity are great ways to remind people of the love and positivity that still exists.

Be Relatable

As many are now watching more movies and tv shows than before due to staying home, we’re reminded of the joy we as humans get in following a story. Especially now as we long for those coveted pre-COVID days, we all miss our daily interactions that gave us multiple stories to follow. You as a business can be the brand that gives your consumers what they’re desperate for by taking this time to tell a story and connect with your community. Telling a story about your business can come in many facets such as  what makes you stand out, what your passions are, or who’s a part of your team. While also giving your business more of a personality for consumers to relate to, this is a great way to keep your old customers engaged while also intriguing new ones.

Feel Good Content

Posts that ignite the little fuzzy feeling in all of us is a marketing strategy that’s been used for decades, and now that we’re all craving a bit of positivity in the world, feel-good content is the perfect way to get your social media accounts buzzing. Just like how videos of neighbors clapping and singing from balconies are all the rage on instagram right now, you too can use this time to shine some light on the darkness with a shimmering diamond display.

Building a relationship with your customers where they’re tagging you in pictures from their weddings, or of their wife beaming with joy when she sees her new bracelet is an easy way to get original content. Posting their pictures ( with their permission, of course) allows everyone to see the smile that you helped create while also connecting further with your existing customers. Highlighting your couples’ beautiful proposal stories is exactly the type of feel good content we all need while also reminding your viewers of the happiness that jewelry can provide.

At Smart Age, we’re passionate about helping your business grow to the best it can be. We believe that a bright rainbow can form even after the gloomiest of storms, and we’re here for you every step of the way to help your business prosper in times good or bad. Contact us at today.

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