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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

Social Media Strategy Essentials For Jewelry Brands March 24, 2019 (0 comments)

1-8-b.jpg What exactly is a social media strategy? It’s a comprehensive blueprint highlighting all of your brand’s social media activities to help you reach your social media goals. Here are four must-have social media strategy pillars you shouldn't ignore.

Last month we helped you take a step back and audit your social media channels (check it out here if you missed it). This month, we’ve put together a few ideas to help you develop your brand’s social media strategy. What exactly is a social media strategy? It’s a comprehensive blueprint highlighting all of your brand’s social media activities to help you reach your social media goals. Here are four must-have social media strategy pillars you shouldn't ignore.

Social Media Strategy Essential #1: Your Brand

Your social media strategy starts and begins with your brand voice. You’ll want to be crystal clear about the look and feel and tone you would like your brand to convey on social media. Take time to think about the type of presence you would like your brand to have on social media. Is it bright and humorous? Or sophisticated and timeless? Solidify your brand’s look and feel in a style guide and share it with all departments so that the brand stays consistent at all customer touch points beyond social. You’ll also want to identify your brand’s unique selling points especially the USPs that differentiate your brand from your competitors.

Social Media Strategy Essential #2: Your Customer

The next step is to identify your ideal customer. Use the demographic data from your social media audit as well as your sales data to create a profile of your target customer. Once you’re armed with this information, you can use it to tailor your social media content and ads to fulfill the needs and wants of your customers. You’ll also want to identify how your audience speaks as well as their lifestyle preferences. Taking time to figure out these tiny preferences and incorporating them into your social media content and ads will help you communicate to your audience as a friend rather than as a salesperson.

Social Media Strategy Essential #3: Your Social Media Channels

Once you’ve figured out who your target customers are, you can figure out the best social media channels to reach them on. For instance, if you run a B2B operation you definitely need to have a presence on LinkedIn while a fashion e-commerce brand might omit LinkedIn from their social media strategy  all together. After you narrow down the social media channels you will commit to, create a posting schedule and assign social media tasks if applicable.

Social Media Strategy Essential #4: Your Content

Last but not least, you’ll want to develop a content plan. It’s always helpful to plan out content one month ahead, leaving room for spontaneous posts and stories as they come. You’ll want to make sure your content falls in-line with your brand’s look and feel and also make sure that everything you post appeals to your target audience.

You’ll want to revisit and revise your social media strategy every quarter to ensure your brand is on track for social media success.

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