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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

The Importance Of Paid Advertising on Facebook April 27, 2020 (0 comments)


Video taken from our Jewelry Ecomm LIVE! 2019 Conference.

Featuring Julie Gotz, Freshley Digital

Today, we are living in a world of relevance, and everything is tailored to our needs and interests.

Our timelines are carefully curated, our news sources are personalized, and social media platforms play into this game of relevance, delivering the content their users want to see.

The social nature of organic posts is one of overcrowded competitiveness, and frankly, Facebook will not let your free drafted content reach your entire audience. Facebook wants to deliver relevant content to its users, and Facebook wants to make money.

This is a pay to play world and we are here to help educate you to navigate and dominate and grow your business in your market with the Facebook Platform.

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