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The Right Way to Reach Out to Your Email List April 01, 2020 (0 comments)

1b.jpg Picture this…  It’s 8:30 on a Sunday morning, and you’re still in bed sipping coffee and sharing silly stories with your kids when you hear the familiar sound of a sale coming through on your phone.  For a minute, you think maybe you’re just hearing things until you remember, “Oh yeah! Our system sent out that email at 8am.” The sale came from a man who’s been on your list for nearly a year but never made a purchase until he opened that email. And the most impressive part? There wasn’t a single Call to Action in it asking readers to buy.  This happened recently when I worked with a client to revamp their email strategy and shared a lovely little profile about the founder of a third-generation family business -- Maw Maw.  And that big unexpected sale wasn’t the only thing that came in after our email hit inboxes. This email really resonated with readers and made THEM want to reach out and re-engage.  How’s that for results? I speak with retailers all the time who think that sending out emails every week is just too much.  And what I’ve come to realize is that the emails they’re thinking of are typical sales emails packed with new products, discount codes, and flashing BUY NOW buttons.  (Which I agree, you should not send out every week.) But there are a few types of emails that can help readers get to know, like, and trust you… 

Emails that let your readers become familiar with you.

Just like our story about Maw Maw opening the shop, showcasing a little history about your business or personality from your staff will help readers get a sense of what it’s like inside your store and feel at ease when it’s time to buy.

Emails that educate your audience.

Helping your readers understand what to look for when they buy a new piece of jewelry without the immediate pressure of making a purchase can go a long way in helping them see you as a knowledgeable authority and go-to retailer.

Emails that share client and customer stories.

Sharing client stories is a great way to give people who have never shopped with you an opportunity to hear what it’s like first-hand from the happy clients and customers that you’ve helped and why they won’t shop anywhere else. (And as an added bonus -- when you write these types of emails, you can repurpose your messaging in social media posts, blogs, and other platforms to draw in even more potential customers!) You could wake up to a sale on a Sunday morning…  But it only happens when you populate your online store and make your email list feel welcome to come by and shop.  Happy emailing! Kathleen  
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 ways I can help you grow your jewelry business:   Download the FREE E-Book 3 Key Emails to Turn Window Shoppers into Collectors You can get the exact scripts we use by visiting   Work with me and my team privately If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take your customers from window shoppers to collectors… visit and click on the live chat window… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

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