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Webinar Thurs, June 18, 2PM EST: “Using Abandoned Cart Retargeting To Increase Sales” June 12, 2020 (0 comments)

Using Abandoned Cart Retargeting To Increase Sales

Thursday, June 18 at 2:00 pm EST.

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Have you ever been shopping online, added items to your cart, and then chose to not complete your purchase for one reason or another? The phone rang, your credit card was downstairs or your boss walked into the office? You're not the only one, your customers do it to you everyday!

In the world of E-Commerce, it’s an all or nothing game. Your digital ads can target the perfect person for your product, lead them all the way through the conversion funnel, and then the cart is abandoned!

Join our webinar to learn how you can utilize abandoned cart retargeting to increase sales. ACRT has the capability to capture your target consumer who has visited your website and left items in their shopping cart without finishing the checkout process.

With these audiences, you have two options; Retarget the audience with display graphics, reminding them to finish their purchase, or you can send a customized email graphic directly to the consumer who abandoned their cart.

Let's turn these abandoners into SALES. This webinar focuses on simple, tactical tools and strategies that can be implemented to improve cart abandonment and revenue recovery.

About Kendall Kennedy - Partner, Bottom Line Marketing
Kendall Kennedy is from Escanaba, Michigan, where her parents started their full-service advertising agency in the basement of their home. Kendall played collegiate NAIA Division II Softball and graduated from Northwood University ’09 with a triple major in Advertising, Marketing, and Business Management. She began selling Urban Radio for CBS Radio in West Palm Beach, FL. Kendall’s career at Bottom Line began when she joined the business in December 2011 as the local account manager for the company’s Florida office. Kendall and her business partners then purchased the agency from Annette and Chris Brooks in January 2017. Kendall works on the retail jewelry side of Bottom Line Marketing, representing stores throughout the United States and Canada. She is currently involved in the North Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce.

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