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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

Why Social Commerce Is So Important For The Jewelry Industry February 15, 2022 (0 comments)


Shopping through social media has seen tremendous growth over the past year. The convenience, ease, and seamlessness of the shopping experience has changed ecommerce as we know it. Every social  media channel including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Tik Tok are investing heavily to monetize  their platforms. Each wants to become a destination point for consumers and own the entire sales  funnel. Every jeweler needs to be prepared for such a monumental shift in consumer buying habits.  Social commerce is growing and here to stay.  

Give your social commerce a strong start. 

One of the best ways jewelry store owners can take advantage of social commerce is to have great  images. The effectiveness of model, lifestyle and product shots can’t be understated.  

You’ll want to make sure your jewelry images have multiple angles showing the top and bottom, inside and outside, and also near and far views (to help gauge size). Showing the product on a real model, not someone photoshopped, is preferred.  

To make an impact you’ll want your jewelry images to be at least 72 dpi and at 500px by 500px, or  larger. This ensures that your images are as stunning on social media as seeing the actual jewelry in  real life inside your showcase! 

Jewelry is -- after all -- a visual business. You’re not only selling styles, you’re selling memories.  Jewelry is one gift that will always be treasured. 

Why social commerce is good for your jewelry business. 

There are two main reasons how social commerce benefits both you and your customers.  

First, it gives customers a better shopping experience. Social media helps in the discovery process,  where people are exposed to new styles by popular brands they follow, or from recommendations by  friends and family. They see your jewelry store in their social media feed instead of having to actively  search and visit your website. This allows you to gain valuable exposure to a new audience, and one  you may not have thought to advertise to.  

The second benefit is that social commerce allows customers to have a direct relationship with brands.  As a jeweler, you have the opportunity to cultivate a following and engage directly with your audience. 

They can comment, ask questions about styles, or get additional support regarding their purchase. This type of two-way communication is what builds trust and loyalty and is worth its weight in gold!  

Combine these two reasons with Instagram and Facebook’s checkout or Pinterest’s buyable pins and  social commerce is a powerful way to grow your jewelry sales through social media. 

Why you should care about social commerce. 

Social commerce is a new and emerging way for people to shop. It’s already changing user behavior,  especially with younger generations. Many of whom are intimidated or not comfortable walking into a  jewelry store, but would rather purchase online. Not only does social commerce save time, but it’s  more convenient.  

Even if these same customers don’t search for your website, they’ll still see your jewelry. Reposting  user-generated content from your audience and using dedicated hashtags for your posts are both  wonderful ways to help gain additional exposure and ensure that you’re seen online in people’s social  media feeds. A website alone can’t match the power of social commerce. 

Remember, your goal as a jewelry store owner, should always be to move your audience along the  purchase path from prospect to customer to raving fan. Social commerce gives you the opportunity to  do that in a meaningful and genuine way, which paid advertising can’t match. People implicitly trust  what they see on social media, especially when it’s shared by someone they trust. 

Social commerce allows you to monetize the audience you’ve built-up. When customers follow you  and see which jewelry styles you’re tagging and posting about, they pay attention. On social media,  you choose what to post and are acting as your own style editor. The ability for your audience to  purchase items is the next logical step. It completes the buying experience. 

What’s important is that you realize the full impact social media is having on the jewelry industry.  What started off as a fun pastime, is now the predominant way people get their information. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Tik Tok can no longer be ignored. Social commerce is the future of sales and  your customers are driving this change.  

Like many jewelry store owners, I’m sure you’ve invested much time and paid a fortune to grow your  fans and followers online. Now, it’s time to use social commerce to make your social media channels  pay you!