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25 IN 5, Full-Day E-Commerce Conference In South Beach Announces Powerful Speaker Roster September 07, 2016 (0 comments)

South Beach, FL—Isn’t it time for your store to fully join the e-commerce world to stay competitive in the years to come? The 25 IN 5 e-commerce conference, October 17 in South Beach, challenges you to do just that.
“25 IN 5 is the exciting new Full-Day E-Commerce Conference for better fine jewelers who want to grow revenues through e-commerce,” said Howard Hauben of Centurion and Matthijs Braakman of INSTORE.
Jointly produced by CENTURION and INSTORE, 25 IN 5 aims to help retailers with a Deep Dive Day that will motivate and inspire each attending store to strive to achieve 25% of growing store revenue in the digital space within 5 years from now.
“We realize that not all of this revenue will be shopping-cart driven, but it WILL ALL be driven by your increasingly successful efforts in the digital space,” Hauben and Braakman continued. “We will help equip you for this challenge by sending advance conference prep information, providing a day of valuable, relevant information and continue to valuable post-conference communications to help everyone to stay on track. We believe that important, audacious goals like this one are needed to ensure major efforts are put in place to succeed and secure your future as a true Bricks and Clicks success story!”
Howard Hauben, left, and Matthijs Braakman
All retailers, even those not able to attend the conference, are invited to take part in an important, short survey to establish benchmarks and indicate their current E-Commerce/Digital needs. To take the short survey, click here.
Here’s a quick look at the entire day of 25 IN 5. For full details about the conference, please visit the website. Registration is available on the web site or call +516-377-5909 from 9 AM to 5 PM EST Monday through Friday.
8:00 AM - Breakfast
8:30-9:00 AM - 25 IN 5 Day Intro! Howard Hauben, CENTURION, and Matthijs Braakman, INSTORE
In this short session, you’ll get the day’s rundown, retailer survey results (take the survey below!), along with a short video showing exciting opportunities for small business online and comments about the growing Bricks&Clicks revolution.
9:00-10:00 AM - Straight Talk: What it Really Takes to Run an Online Store: Neal Kaiser, Mi9 and Jennifer Shaheen, Technology Therapy
This smart session will give you a true look at what it will take to make your online store a success. Jennifer and Neal will cover Staffing, Merchandising Techniques, Customer Service, Multi-Channel Marketing and Fulfillment. Get the inside scoop on everything from infrastructure to aesthetics marketing and testing. Learn what it really takes to succeed in e-commerce.
10:30-11:30 AM - Leverage Your Terrestrial Reputation Online for Better Sales Panel Discussion
Moderator: Shane O’Neill, Fruchtman; Panelists: Mark Keeney, Ritani; Suereea Mathews, Agency 333; Jennifer Shaheen, Technology Therapy, and Tyler Mathews, ThinkSpace Technologies. All, clockwise from top left.
This lively session will explore dissecting the strengths of your store’s well-earned terrestrial reputation and using them to create an exciting digital user experience. Keep the trust that’s needed to unlock sales and yet preserve the position of the in-store experience as the most exciting and rewarding one from which your customer can benefit.
11:45 AM-1:00 PM - SPECIAL LUNCHEON EVENT! What It Takes to Build, Run and Continually Optimize A Successful JEWELRY/LUXURY Consumer Web Site
Alexandra Wilkis Wilson, Co-Founder
Alexandra Wilkis Wilson has a great combination of experience with both jewelry and e-commerce. A pioneering dealmaker who found success in the nexus of technology and the luxury goods sector, Wilson is also an advisor, mentor and angel investor who shares her expertise with diverse entrepreneurs.
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM: REPEATING BREAK OUT SESSIONS
These three sessions are repeated three times. Why? So you can sit in smaller groups and have a great discussion with smart speakers and your fellow attendees. Scheduled so you can attend them all!
Building Your Digital Traffic Through SEO, SEM, PPC, Social Media and More: Shane O’Neill, Fruchtman
Sites for Sore Eyes—a Rundown of the Best E-Commerce Sites in the Business and What Makes Them So Good: Matthew Perosi, jWAG and Sapphire Collective
Google Reviews, Yelp and More--How to Get a Highly Credible Number of Good Reviews and How to Deal with Bad Ones: Darnell Holloway, Yelp and additional speaker addressing Google Reviews TBA)
Left to right: Shane O'Neill, Matthew Perosi, and Darnell Holloway
4:30-5:00 PM - 25 IN 5 Day Review and Wrap-Up! Howard Hauben, CENTURION and Matthijs Braakman, INSTORE
Tools for Moving Forward. Join the 25 IN 5 organizers for a rundown of the Tools 25 IN 5 will provide to help you build your digital success after you leave. We know the conference offers you an abundance of ideas and strategies for working on your e-commerce presence. The 25 IN 5 Conference has a take-home strategy at hand to support you in the coming months.