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Retail News: Smyth Rocks Baltimore With Parking Lot Concert Series July 13, 2016 (0 comments)

Timonium, MD—A string quartet and canapés might work for some jewelry store events, but this summer at Smyth Jewelers, it’s all about rock ‘n roll, gourmet pizza, and beer.
The three-store Maryland jeweler launched its inaugural Rock the Ring Concert Series, presented by Uneek Jewelry, with a June 23 extravaganza in its parking lot. The first-ever event, featuring ‘80s tribute band The Reagan Years (left), was an immense success, says a company spokesperson. It drew several hundred concertgoers and generated huge online buzz over social media.
The fun continues on Thursdays in July and August (July 21 and August 18 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Smyth’s Timounium location), featuring more live entertainment, refreshments from local food trucks and brewers, and exclusive discounts on select merchandise. A portion of the proceeds from both events will benefit the Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company, which will be onsite with a live active-duty engine.
Kids learn about firefighting from a Lutherville (MD) Volunteer Fire Co. fireman. A portion of proceeds from Smyth's Rock The Ring concert series will benefit the fire company.
The concerts will be set in front of the world’s largest engagement ring, erected last year and patterned after a Uneek Jewelry engagement ring. The structure serves as a larger-than-life symbol of Smyth’s signature adage, “Where Maryland Gets Engaged.” For the July concert, the ring will will be the backdrop for Maryland-born, country-raised group, Drivin’ Muzzy, and in August for the Baltimore-based ‘90s rockers As If. Between tunes, attendees can enjoy bites, wines, and beers from several local artisan restaurants, wineries, and craft brewers. The street team from radio station Z104.3 will also be joining in the fun with prizes and giveaways for the August event as well.
The world's largest engagement ring, patterned after a design by Uneek Jewelry, outside Maryland's Smyth Jewelers. Below, photo-op with playful props.
“This summer’s Rock the Ring Concert Series is our way of bringing together the Baltimore community for a unique, lively night out,” said Smyth Jewelers president Tom Smyth. “We’ll have exclusive Rock the Ring discounts and social media contests, crave-worthy food, cold beverages and great music to get Baltimore in the summer-loving spirit.”
The Smyth store will be open before and during all concerts with engagement rings, wedding bands, designer jewelry, watches plus a wide range of gifts available for purchase. Attendees can take advantage of 15% off wedding band purchases and Uneek Jewelry product, and receive a free titanium wedding band with the purchase of any gold wedding band.
For more information, directions and event updates, visit