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Work and Leisure Abound at Centurion 2016 15th Anniversary Celebration: Fun for All |  February 17, 2016 (0 comments)


Scottsdale, AZ--What happens when you get better jewelry stores together with top designers and manufacturers? Sales rocket, new relationships are built, and everyone enjoys a work activity that’s fun: the Centurion Show.

Centurion's 15th Anniversary Show featured 310 high-end jewelry stores as guests, up slightly from 2015 when President George W. Bush was the keynote closing speaker. The prestige retailers attend for many reasons, top of which is the stellar roster of 150 exhibitors and their popular lines of jewelry.

"The Centurion show and its exhibitors are blessed to have just celebrated 15 years of success in providing better fine jewelers with their favorite show to attend," said Howard Hauben, president. 

While finding the right jewelry from the right designer/manufacturer is always paramount at Centurion, the golf and tennis tournaments are mainstays where attendees and exhibitors socialize and enjoy Scottsdale’s great weather on the day prior to Centurion’s opening. The 2016 show kept that tradition intact.

In the annual Centurion Tennis Tournament, the championship round featured the top four point earners: Michael Hujara, Coles of London and Doran Hakimian, Dove’s by Doron Paloma, won 6-4 over Arnold Schiffman, Schiffman Jewelers and James Libutti, Libutti Jewelers.

Heidi Cook of Miseno and Diane Adams of Shreve & Co. tied for top female points earner. The Clean Winner prize and Passing Shot prize went to Parag Jain, Paramount Gems.

What a racket! Participants in the 2016 annual Centurion Tennis Tournament. Top of page: it was beautiful weather in Scottsdale for the Centurion Golf Tournament.

At the annual Centurion Golf Tournament, the first place winners were Craig Rose, Christopher Design; Bruce Lake, Ritani; Jesse Montelongo, Montelongo Jewelers; and Dave McCauley, A.Link. The Most Honest Team award went to: Jeff Post, Gem Platinum; Diane Christensen, Christensen and Rafferty Fine Jewelers; Candice Milstein, Wyatt Austin Jewelers; and Robert Nelson, Wyall Austin Jewelers.

Other golf winners included: Danny Chandler, Galloway & Moseley, Closest to Pin; Daniel Mardkha, Everband, Men's Longest Drive; and Myriam Gumuchian, Gumuchian, Women's Longest Drive.

2017 Centurion Scottsdale Show dates are January 28 – February 1, 2017. For more information, please contact Howard Hauben at or 516-331-5586. Visit Centurion online at