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12 WAYS TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS BY 30% OR MORE THIS SEASON December 07, 2011 (0 comments)


La Costa, CA—You’ve prepped and planned, buffed and polished, and, as they say, “built it.” But now that the holiday season is here, these tips—courtesy of The Vantage Group—will help ensure that not only will they come, but also that they will buy.

Dan and Lori Askew of the Vantage Group say it’s possible to grow this year’s holiday business by 30% to 50% by making one focused commitment: to relationship selling. Statistics show most customers are one-time purchasers or don’t stay loyal to a merchant for the following reasons: they felt your pricing was too high or unfair; they had an unresolved complaint; they took advantage of a competitor’s offer, and they didn’t feel a connection with you or that you cared for them.

Most, say the Askews, fall into the latter two groups. The last one, especially, is within your control. Relationship building takes effort, but it’s free and establishes longevity that more than repays the time spent. Here are some tips for relationship-based selling:

1. Commit to it and get your team on board.

2. Pull out your customer list and identify your “most important” top 20% clients. This can be done however you want to define it—whether it’s by dollar amount, frequency, whatever works for you.

3. Call them on the phone, let them know you were thinking of them, and remember the last thing they purchased from you. You would just like to let them know you are available to make this holiday extra special and whether there’s anything specific they would like you to bring in for them to see.

4. When the call is finished, don’t just check it off your list. Make notes of the conversation and do the follow up! It’s hard when you’re busy, but worth it—one by one the sales will come in and your profits will grow through the season.

Take the challenge and seriously embrace this very effective and personal way of reaching customers. Even if you need to bring in some extra staff dedicated to this focused project, it’s worth it.

Separately, in addition to your commitment to relationship-based selling, here are some “caught in the holiday rush” reminders of the simple, common-sense steps that go a long way toward standing out in your customers’ minds.

1. Greet with an open-ended, non-threatening question.

2. Offer a warm beverage while they shop.

3. Offer to clean their jewelry “so it will look great for the holidays.”

4. Answer the phone with a cheerful “Happy Holidays here at _______Jewelers!”

5. Compliment the customer on their attire, whether it’s apparel, shoes, hairstyle, or accessories.

6. Ask them to try on a new item you just got in, to show you value their opinion.

7. Offer to call in a month or so to remind them to have their new purchase cleaned.

8. Be genuine about your good-byes. Look them in the eye, call them by name, and wish them a happy holiday.

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