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80% of Retail Workers Feel Unsafe Due to Staffing Shortages, Study Reveals May 28, 2024 (0 comments)


Dallas, TX--A study by Theatro reveals significant safety concerns among U.S. retail workers, intensified by labor shortages. The 2024 Retail Worker Safety Survey, conducted by Pollfish for Theatro, surveyed 600 in-store retail workers in the top 15 metropolitan areas.

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Key findings, as per a news release, include:

The survey also indicates a potential departure from the retail sector, with 73% of workers considering leaving their jobs over safety concerns and 64% contemplating legal action against employers over safety issues.

"In-store workers are the backbone of the retail industry, bringing the heart, soul, and connection that transforms customers into loyal brand advocates," said Chris Todd, CEO of Theatro, in the news release. "This survey exposes the dangers these frontline employees face daily as they work tirelessly to keep our stores safe and secure, and outlines a clear path for what the industry must do to respond."

"Ensuring employees feel safe, valued, and protected is not just a moral obligation; it's a business imperative that drives customer satisfaction and loyalty," Todd added in the release. "Now is the time for retailers to prioritize training, communicate proactively, and audit communication solutions and processes, knowing that an investment in worker safety is an investment in the organization's long-term success."

The complete survey results are available on Theatro's website.

See the news release published on Business Wire.

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