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Are You Doing the Right Thing for Your Retail Partners? Part 1 of 2 |  January 19, 2022 (0 comments)


Key Largo, FL--After over a decade in the jewelry retail sector, I always felt appreciated when I had a partner in the business and not a “supplier.” I strongly believe that what you put out, you will get back. Are you doing the right thing for your retail partner? In my experience, manufacturers that grow and have success look at their retail partners and ask themselves, “How can I make this easier for them; how can I solve their problems,” and they also do it with enthusiasm. Here are a few tips to guarantee a partner and success for life. 

1.      Give What You Want to Get 

You either have a chance to do what gets you immediate results and sales or you have a chance to do what benefits you long term. Even if it’s a small thing, it still holds meaning and creates trust. I recall one incident that sticks out in my mind. Back when I was a buyer, I had a very close family member pass away. One of my manufactures found out and sent flowers to my home.  It made our partnership so human, and it was such a small gesture that meant more to me than they will ever know. I noticed, and I valued our partnership because they valued mine. To me, it meant that they cared (outside of a financial standpoint) and it built loyalty. Who do you think I turned to when there was a hole in my assortment that needed to be filled? Over the next year, their sales grew well over 40% because of our valued partnership. I knew that I could depend on them to deliver not only an exceptional product, but I could also bank on their commitment to our life long partnership. 

2.      Be Honest in Your Messaging

Crafting a story around your brand is interesting to people and they take it to heart. From a retailer’s perspective, you need to deliver the product and story you promised. You can always bank on what you do best. If you have exceptional manufacturing, prove it. If you have superior customer service, show it. If your pricing is the most competitive in the market, bank on it. Creating conversation on your product, quality, service, delivery, etc. is the new way to market. Be transparent, be truthful.   

There is a humanization effect happening today. People want to buy from people that they trust, not a manufacturer they can’t depend on. I would much rather buy from a partner that I trusted as an advisor rather than sit through a meeting that was generated from a cold call. Being honest in your sales is imperative. Find your messaging niche, create a competitive advantage and use it to your benefit. Be sure to stay tuned for part two coming soon!

Jackie Johnson is the Vice President of Crabtree Consulting. Prior to joining Crabtree Consulting, Jackie had a successful career at one of the largest independent chains on the West Coast, where she was the Designer bridal Buyer for over ten elite brands. Reach her at or visit where you can set up a live chat or a 30-minute free consultation.