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Brandee Dallow to Join Grandview Klein Executive Team December 15, 2022 (0 comments)

New York, NY--Jewelry industry veteran Brandee Dallow has been named Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer of Grandview Klein Diamonds (GKD), effective January 3, 2023.
The appointment is a bit of a homecoming for Dallow. GKD was once part of the Julius Klein Group, where she spent 11 years as its global communications and marketing VP. In a long and varied career, she held positions with a diverse group of major firms, including De Beers Group, Rio Tinto and the Responsible Jewellery Council. Dallow is also outgoing president of the Women’s Jewelry Association (WJA) Foundation and president and founder of consulting firm, Fine Girl Responsible Business Strategies & Communications.
In her new position, Dallow will be an integral member of the GKD executive team, responsible for planning, creating and executing a comprehensive marketing, communications and public relations programs, GKD said in a statement. She will also be part of partnership programs that support GKD clients. Her role will include developing forward-thinking corporate sustainability programs that can be effectively implemented at all levels of the company; internally and externally communicated and aligned with GKD’s brand and sustainability values.
Returning to Family
“It’s like returning to family,” Dallow said. “We have always shared similar values: personally, that family is everything and professionally, that the customer/retailer is the most important part of a successful business. Partnerships, support, maintaining a high level of trust, and collaboration are all critical parts of our shared philosophy. The company’s long-standing commitment to beneficiation, along with a meaningful and impactful vision related to environmental and social causes, made it an even easier decision for me to come back and provide impact in these critical areas.”
Dallow will also play a key role in partnerships, public events, launches of initiatives and other activities aimed towards driving significant increases in environmental, social and governmental sustainability throughout the company’s operations. This includes helping with beneficiation programs and activities in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana, where the group has manufacturing operations.
“Brandee’s vision, leadership, reputation and expertise throughout all aspects of our industry will uniquely position her to deliver solutions that drive both our company as well as our clients' towards future success,” said Grandview Klein President Moshe Klein. "Today, our high-end retail partners demand not only direct, ethical supply but also a company's steadfast commitment to beneficiation," Klein continued. "Brandee's appointment will well serve those key customer needs on all levels."
Dallow is a Board Member of Ethical Metalsmiths, Jewelers for Children, the US Kimberley Process Authority and Mercury Free Mining. She is also a Board Advisor to the Black in Jewelry Coalition.