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Diamonds By Day, Doritos By Night November 26, 2013 (0 comments)


New York, NY—Duvall O’Steen certainly knows what it’s like to lead a double life: by day, she’s a well-known marketing expert in the jewelry industry with a longtime stint at the World Gold Council preceding her current post at Yvel. By night, however, she’s an accomplished stage actress who has appeared in a wide variety of indie theater roles from drama to comedy and even some singing.

Now she’s looking to bite into a bigger role, so to speak. More accurately, she gets the speaking role while her co-star gets the biting role in a potential new commercial for Doritos brand corn chips.

Written, produced, shot, and directed by Dean Love, the commercial has been entered into the snack chip brand’s “Doritos Crash The Superbowl VIII” competition. The winning spot will air during the Superbowl, and receive a grand prize of $1 million and a chance to team up with Marvel’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

All spots entered into the competition will be judged through a semi-finalist round, and narrowed down to five finalists. Beginning roughly in mid-January, the finalists then will be shown online for consumers to vote for the grand-prize winner that makes it into the Superbowl ad lineup.

Love’s spot, which you can see here, is titled “Motormouth” and features a couple (O’Steen and co-star Juan Reinoso) taking a long road trip. But it’s hard to tell whether the title refers to O’Steen’s nonstop chatter as the passenger, or Reinoso’s way of coping, which is to tune her out by crunching endless bags of Doritos while driving.

The tagline? “Doritos. Saving relationships for 50 years.” 

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