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Fancy Color Diamond Prices Relatively Stable in 2020 February 15, 2021 (0 comments)

New York, NY—Prices for fancy color diamonds remained relatively stable in 2020, despite the challenging situation of the year, says an end-of-year analysis from the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF). Prices declined very, very slightly—an average of less than 1%—across the board.
For the fourth quarter of 2020, the Fancy Color Diamond index results were as follows:
- Pinks overall remained without a significant change in Q4 2020. Fancy and Fancy Intense categories rose incrementally: the 1.00-1.49- and 2.00 to 2.99-carat segments edged up 0.4% and 0.6% respectively, while prices in the 2.0-carat fancy category rose 1.4%.
- Blue fancy grades showed an overall increase of 0.2%, while the 1.5- and 5.0 carats stood out with an increase of 0.5%. But other price softness, especially in the 1.0 carat and Vivid categories, muted the overall category gains to a negligible amount.
- Yellows were the strongest category across all saturations, with larger and more intense stones leading the way. The Fancy Intense 5.0-carat segment increased by 0.8% and the Fancy Vivid 3.0-carat segment rose by 0.7%. The 3.0-carat segment increased by 0.4% and prices in the Fancy grade 1.5 carat segment edged up 0.6%. Only one segment, Fancy Intense 1.50 carat, declined slightly, by 0.5%.
For 2020 as a whole, prices for fancy color natural diamonds dipped slightly but the differences were negligible. The Yellow category decreased by 0.3%, Pinks by 0.9% and Blues the most, by 1.3%. The Vividcategory in all colors and sizes showed better stability, decreasing only by 0.4%. The Intense category decreased by 0.9%, and the Fancy category by 1%.
FCRF Advisory Board member Eden Rachminov is bullish on 2021, especially for yellows, which he says are priced on the low side at present, and believes an increase is inevitable.
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