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Fast Look: Brand-Aid and Appealing to Female Customers November 15, 2010 (0 comments)
Fast Look: Brand-Aid and Appealing to Female Consumers
New York, NY—According to a recent survey on American Express OPEN Forum, 48% of companies responding said they developed their logo themselves. 15% said it evolved organically with a mission statement, signage, and packaging. 25% worked with a branding agency to define their core values and communicate those to customers, and 14% said “who has time to think about branding?”
Separately, InStyle magazine’s November reader’s poll asked “What’s Your Shopping Strategy?” Respondents yielded some key information for luxury jewelers to bear in mind when a female customer comes through the door.
—56% of respondents said they prefer to shop alone, 37% prefer to shop with a girlfriend, but only 7% prefer to shop with their significant other.
—66% say they find it more annoying when “a salesperson pounces on me the second I walk in,” while 34% are more annoyed if they’re ignored, “as if I’m invisible.”
—48% say the thrill of the hunt is their favorite thing about shopping, 36% say it’s how they relax (“the zone-out factor”), and 16% consider it a chore, not a pleasure.
—Finally, good news for bricks and mortar: 83% said that if they had to choose only one or the other, they’d rather shop in-store than online.