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Fireworks Oval Diamond is a Unique Selling Proposition for Mother’s Day May 02, 2023 (0 comments)

St. Paul, MN--As Mother’s Day approaches Jay Mehta, partner and director of Operations at Fireworks Diamonds has a truly unique diamond ring for the special day. That’s because it has the approval of his own Mother, Varsha Mehta.
The diamond is an oval shape but with unique characteristics. It has a larger surface, brighter appearance and “exceptional light” performance It’s a gem that’s cut for beauty, Mehta says. Fireworks has placed the new oval cut in solitaire earrings, a ring, and a necklace in its “Woman on Fire collection.”
Mehta says this cut brings a unique selling proposition that “truly differentiate retailers in the marketplace.”
He added, “This is a proud moment for Varsha, Fireworks and our Centurion Partners. A big shoutout to all the strong women & Moms in our industry. Especially with Mothers day coming up.”
For more information about the Varsha Oval cut, contact Jay Mehta at