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GIA Resumes Issuing Printed Diamond Dossier Reports April 12, 2023 (0 comments)

Carlsbad, CA--GIA recommenced issuing printed GIA Diamond Dossier reports starting April 9.
[Image via Creative Commons]
Diamonds in GIA laboratories will receive a printed report after this date submitted for Diamond Dossier services. These printed reports will be identical to those previously issued before the digital-only report was introduced in January 2023.
GIA will also provide, free of charge and upon request, a printed GIA Diamond Dossier to clients for diamonds that initially received a digital-only report. The digital report and digital Report Access Card will remain an option for those who prefer this format.
GIA's decision to revert to printed reports was a response to concerns from clients, manufacturers, brokers, wholesalers, brands, and retailers about the challenges of integrating digital-only reports into their processes.
Pritesh Patel, GIA's senior vice president and chief operating officer, acknowledged in a report that the organization did not fully anticipate the difficulties in adopting digital-only reports.
Clients can request a complimentary printed GIA Diamond Dossier for diamonds that originally received a digital-only report by emailing, including the original report number and the submitting client's name.
Report information will still be accessible in the GIA App and on GIA's online Report Check Service and API.
Learn more in this report.