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Help Us With Your Response Today And We’ll Donate $3 To JFC On Your Behalf March 10, 2011 (5 comments)

Merrick, NY--In an effort to improve content delivery for The Centurion email newsletter, we need your response today detailing the banner ads you see when you look at this email, as well as the kind of email "client" you use, such as Outlook or Eudora, or an on-line email client like Gmail. Basically, we want to be sure that you're receiving what we're sending. Please review the image below to determine what you should be seeing. in the email. The banners are as follows: Imagine Bridal on top; Precision Set, Richard krementz Gemstones, Rahaminov Diamonds, and John Buechner in the right hand column; and Dove's and Coast Diamond under the first and second articles, respectively.
Many thanks in advance for your reply. For every reply we receive this week, we will donate $3 to Jewelers for Children on your behalf. Please email responses to Also feel free to call us at 516-377-5909 with any questions.