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Holiday Shopping During A Pandemic: Trends and Transitions October 26, 2020 (0 comments)


Louisville, KY—While much of what people enjoy about the holiday season will remain the same, this year's holiday shopping experience is going to be significantly different. Image: Mohammed Hassan for Pixabay.

An article in Retail Customer Experience says that while stores continue reopening and adjusting operations with physical distancing and COVID safety, holiday planning needs to account for changes in shopper behavior due to the pandemic. COVID-19 is accelerating known consumer shopping trends—particularly online—and retailers will need to pivot for the 2020 holiday season. Key points from the article:

BOPIS+: in other words, how to make an add-on sale for customers that Buy Online Pick Up In Store. Retail Customer Experience suggests specific BOPIS kiosks that not only house their online orders but also display high value, low cost upsell items or empowering associates to suggest add-on purchase items based on what a shopper is picking up.

Digital experiences: Beyond shopping, consider ways to enhance what customers love about your business, says the article. For instance, Hilton hotels shared its chocolate-chip cookie recipe, and other companies offer free virtual backgrounds for customers to use during online meetings.

Classic retail elements: Consumers still want a comprehensive shopping experience, in-store or online, says the article. They want customer service, aisles or pages to wander, and easy checkout options. 

Read the complete article here.