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How A Nurse And A Corporate Executive Became Successful Jewelers |  July 08, 2015 (0 comments)


Asheville, NC—Most jewelers spend time on the sales floor, but rarely do two sell the same way. The Centurion recently spoke with Tonya Marthaler of Marthaler Jewelers, left, who has found her own way to connect with customers.

“My husband, Andy, has the background in jewelry and also has worked in an a corporate environment, prior to opening our store. He has had exposure to more formal sales techniques.” Marthaler’s own experience wasn’t in jewelry: it was in nursing. Working alongside her husband was a completely new and different experience for her. While she came from an industry where personal connections were essential, the jewelry industry was still a big change from health care. Marthaler made the transition using her own experiences.

“Not having the background in sales or in jewelry I was forced to do the only thing I really knew to do, which was to just be cordial and friendly,” said Marthaler, who enjoys connecting with customers, starting with conversation.

“Most times when I am on the floor helping customers we end up talking about everything under the sun but jewelry. As we are talking, I'll hand them pieces to look at. Most people don't come in for small talk, so eventually our conversation turns to the jewelry. We’ll talk about the item they are seeking and the occasion. There is no science to it and no written formula, but for us, this method seems to work.”

Exterior of Marthaler Jewelers, above, and a closeup of the store's signature logo, below.

Marthaler uses this method for sales. She calls it a ‘relaxed approach,’ one that goes with the store’s atmosphere.

“We were very intentional in designing the store to keep it very warm and inviting, like you were coming into our living room,” says Marthaler. “Most customers will remark at how inviting the store is. In our effort to build a relationship first versus make a sale, a huge number of our customers have become friends!” 

While the ‘relaxed’ approach works, they also appreciate a more formal sales style. “I think it's easier, being the owners to take a less formal approach. We certainly offer latitude with our other two sales associates, but we have come to the realization that for them the ‘relaxed’ approach isn't enough. So we are working with a consultant and someone we trust who is teaching us a more scientific based approach.”

Both styles offer customers and sales personnel the approach that works best.

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