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How To Get Peak Performance |  July 31, 2015 (0 comments)


Carlsbad, CA—A friend of mine has written a book called A-ha! Performance, which describes how to build and manage a self-motivated workforce. In it, he has what he calls the CAP Buy-in process, three integral aspects that, when combined properly, more or less guarantee peak performance. The three parts are Clarity, Attainability, and Payoff. Here’s how it works:

1. If as managers we are clear and concise in our communication, our associates can understand the goal--the desired end state--we want to achieve.

2. The goal must be attainable. In other words, our associates must believe a desired performance is possible and have the talent and resources necessary to achieve it.

3. There must be some form of payoff when the goal is reached. It could be in the form of a “carrot,” like a tangible reward or incentive, but more likely (and more powerfully) will simply be the deep personal satisfaction of a job well done (results), or praise from an important person (a key relationship).

If any one of these three aspects--clarity, attainability, or payoff is missing, performance will diminish, or worse yet, the goal will not be achieved. You can also think of it this way:

A big mistake of owners and managers is failing in one (or more) of these three areas when it comes to getting the buy-in of their associates and achieving peak performance.

Want to learn more about how to build and manage a self-motivated workforce? Buy the book! A-ha! Performance by Douglas Walker. It’s a winner. See more here.

Bill Boyajian of Bill Boyajian and Associates, Inc. is the author of Developing the Mind of A Leader, and consults for top firms in the gem and jewelry industry. Read his blog here or contact him at (310) 691-9562, email:, or log onto

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