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Indiana Jewelry Store Shows Support for LGBTQ+ Community with ‘Say Gay’ Stickers March 13, 2023 (0 comments)

Zionsville, IN--A jewelry store is supporting the LGBTQ+ community by giving away small stickers saying “Say Gay.”
[Image via Goodman Jewelry]
Robert and Rose-Marie Goodman, owners of Goodman Jewelry, created the custom-designed stickers after Indiana’s House of Representatives passed a bill requiring teachers and administrators to notify parents when their children change gender or pronoun identities.
According to a report, the couple feels that anti-LGBTQ+ legislation is hate in its purest form. The report added that Goodmans have always integrated social activism into its business model, and its store reflects this. Their front door has signs declaring the store as a “Gun free space” and stating “Hate has no home here,” in addition to the new “Say Gay” sticker. Customers can see a Pride Flag, a Black Lives Matter sign, and a focus on Black designers and sustainable designs.
The store also offers books like Ruby Bridges, Daddy and Dada, and All Boys Are Blue. The Goodmans hold events for Ramadan and Hanukkah while trying to promote positivity and community.
The Goodmans hope that the stickers will help celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, and anyone can have one by asking in-store or online. They will keep printing them to meet demand.
Link to the report.