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JA CASE Awards Deadline is July 17 June 28, 2024 (0 comments)


New York, NY--Jewelers of America (JA) is accepting entries for the CASE Awards, its national jewelry design competition, open to all employees of JA member retailers and suppliers. Employees of JA Member companies can enter through July 17.

Entries will be judged on their levels of creativity, artistry, style and excellence (CASE) in jewelry design.

Winners will be awarded in the following eight categories:

JA Members can enter a maximum of four pieces in the competition, one per category.

The judges also will select two “Best in Show” pieces, one for retailers and one for suppliers.

This year’s CASE Awards judging process will consist of two parts: a virtual pre-judging period for all submissions, and an in-person judging period for the finalists. Winners will be selected by a panel of experts who will evaluate all entries based on overall design, marketability, wearability and quality of manufacture.

All winners will receive a customized CASE Awards trophy and national trade and consumer media exposure. Jewelers of America will promote all entrants through a social media and a digital marketing campaign adding extra exposure for the CASE Award entrants.

For more information about the design competition and for complete entry guidelines, visit or contact JA’s Member Services at (800) 223-0673.

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