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Jewelers of America Seeks Nominations for 20 Under 40 Lists January 24, 2025 (0 comments)

JA 20 under 40

New York, NY--Jewelers of America (JA) has opened nominations for its 20 Under 40 program, which aims to recognize young professionals demonstrating leadership and dedication in the jewelry industry.

[Image via Jewelers of America]

According to JA, this year's program will highlight two distinct categories: 20 Under 40: Jewelry Retail and 20 Under 40: Jewelry Suppliers.

The 20 Under 40: Jewelry Retail category is open to employees of U.S.-based businesses, such as jewelry stores and department stores, that sell jewelry directly to consumers. The 20 Under 40: Jewelry Suppliers category focuses on jewelry designers, employees of manufacturing or wholesale firms, and service providers within the U.S. jewelry market.

Jewelers of America highlighted the program’s goal of celebrating rising talent committed to advancing the industry and invited nominations for individuals fitting these criteria.

The organization encourages those in the jewelry community to submit nominations for eligible professionals who exemplify leadership and industry commitment.

See the Facebook post here.

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