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Merrick, NY—What one single interview question can practically guarantee to weed out the candidates most likely to become toxic, blame-the-other-guy employees?

According to this article on business blog, author John Warrillow says it’s “Tell me about the last time you made a mistake.” Honest candidates will answer it truthfully and acknowledge their responsibility; candidates with a “victim” mentality will prevaricate, fidget, say they can’t remember, or give an example but try to justify their actions.

Warrillow says the interviewer can then derail the excuse by saying “I’m not looking for a situation with mitigating circumstances, I want you to tell me about a time when you made a mistake where you were 100% wrong.”

Some candidates will offer a benign example from their personal life, rather than their work, says Warrillow. In this case, he gives credit for honesty and it doesn’t throw the candidate out of the running, but he says a stronger leader will use a work-related example. Someone who can’t—or won’t—answer the question, however, should immediately be taken out of consideration.

Read the full text here.

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Comments (3):

Thanks for the useful tip. Many times in an interview the potential employee does a great job of selling all the positive attributes they claim to posess. It’s vital that they can be honest and tell the good and bad about themselves. Thanks for the tip, keep them coming. Marc

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