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Owners of Gerald Peters Discuss Real Estate and Rolex Investments on ‘The Blueprint for Closers’ Podcast June 03, 2024 (0 comments)


New York, NY--In a new episode of "The Blueprint for Closers," hosts Rob Nixon and Dominick Ciccarelli welcomed Gerald and Peter Amorosi, the owners of Gerald Peters, to discuss the relationship between real estate investments and luxury watches.

[Image via Gerald Peters/Facebook]

The Amorosi brothers explained that luxury watches are a status symbol and a smart investment, similar to real estate. They noted that financially savvy individuals view high-end watches as assets that retain value, like real estate, offering security even if other investments fail.

The conversation also highlighted the role of social media in business. Gerald mentioned that their social media presence has been crucial in building and maintaining client relationships, allowing them to showcase products and connect with clients globally.

Much of the podcast covered how Gerald Peters Jewelry established trust with high-profile clients, including LeBron James and the New York Yankees. Gerald recounted their initial connection with LeBron James through a mutual acquaintance who vouched for them. This trust-building approach has extended to their relationship with the Yankees.

The Amorosi brothers also detailed their journey from their father starting the business in a Brooklyn flea market to becoming an official Rolex dealer, marking a significant milestone.

The podcast dived into market trends, particularly the increasing demand for luxury watches during COVID-19. People observed that Rolex watches held value even when the stock market crashed, attracting new investors.

The brothers spoke about their hands-on approach to client relations, including personal consultations and managing client expectations for high-demand items like Rolex watches. They aim to ensure each watch goes to someone who will appreciate it rather than reselling it for profit.

Looking ahead, the Amorosi brothers plan to expand their store and enhance the client experience. They highlighted their business philosophy of prioritizing reputation over profit, a critical factor in their success and relationships with high-profile clients.

See the podcast below on YouTube.

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