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Retail News: Borsheims Execs Tour Mine Where Firm’s Signature Diamonds Originate December 23, 2013 (0 comments)


Omaha, NE—Borsheims’ diamond buyer and CEO took a rare tour of the Victor mine, the source for Borsheims Signature Diamonds. The Victor mine is in Canada’s Northwest Territory, and Borsheims chose it as the source for the Borsheims Signature Diamonds based on its environmental focus and quality diamonds. During their visit, Borsheims staff members were able to witness the mine’s dedication to nature and see some amazing diamonds unearthed. 

Outgoing Borsheims president and CEO, Susan Jacques, and Borsheims diamond buyer, Heather Ingraham, toured the mine this fall. The mine has a 12-year lifespan, and once the life of the mine has ended, the mine’s developers have vowed to return the area to its original state, with native trees and a lake. Mine developers built a caribou crossing over the pipes at the mine, and stop production when Canada geese nest nearby. Ingraham, a hobbyist photographer in her spare time, took photos of the mine and some nearby geese. See her photos here.

In addition to the Victor mine, Jacques and Ingraham toured the facilities where the ore is crushed and sorted, and the diamonds are cut and polished. It was an incredible opportunity to see exactly how a Borsheims Signature Diamond originates.

“The vast majority of retailers will never get to see that first hand,” Ingraham said. “I never dreamed I would be able to see it in my lifetime. It was amazing.” Read more first-hand accounts of the trip through the captions of her photos

Borsheims Signature Diamonds are unique in their cut, pedigree and inscription. Each Borsheims Signature Diamond has a star cut into the culet of the diamond and an inscription, including a one-of-a-kind identification number, the Borsheims name, and a maple leaf guaranteeing its Canadian origin. The ID numbers are registered with GIA, allowing customers to always be able to identify their diamond and trace its roots back to the Victor mine in Canada.  

Heather Ingraham, Borsheims’ diamond buyer, at the Victor Mine


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