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Sarda Announces New Beaded Jewelry Collection June 20, 2022 (0 comments)

Sarda jewelry

Puyallup, WA--Luxury jewelry designer and manufacturer SARDA announced in a press release a new collection of handmade beaded jewelry inspired by their beginnings as jewelry makers. 

[Main image source: SARDA]

The new Beaded Jewelry Collection, as per the release, is made with natural materials including precious metals and gemstones. Each piece in the collection is handmade and designed to bring out the natural beauty of the wearer. 

Janyl Sherman, the designer behind SARDA, created the collection to channel the culture and tradition of Bali-made design into a work of modern art. The Beaded Jewelry Collection represents thousands of years of culture, traditional jewelry designs, and Janyl's humble beginnings as a designer.


[Image source: SARDA]

The Beaded Jewelry Collection from SARDA is handmade with the finest materials to ensure each piece is of the highest quality and craftsmanship.

"We hand-make them because I want them a little bit more elevated," said Sherma in the press release. "I didn't want to string on tiger's tale. So, we used silk and knotted between the sections so they are strung nice and tight. Bigger beads start to stretch out, so when they're knotted in sections you don't get as much pulling in space. Because I want my customers to have these pieces for a long time."

SARDA says it uses the highest quality materials in their jewelry, including precious metals and gemstones such as aquamarine, black diamond, and green apatite.

Though the collection is inspired by ancient designs, each piece is modernized to suit the 21st-century customer. The result is a collection of unique pieces.

Much of this collection is tied together with a premium silk thread that gives each piece a luxurious feel.

The collection is currently available on SARDA's website, Prices range from $39.99 to $2,399.99.

Read more in the entire press release.

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