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The Centurion Video Series: Polish Your Public Speaking Skills |  March 21, 2018 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY—Public speaking can be an excellent marketing tool for jewelers, whether it’s a presentation to local business leaders with the means to become customers or even giving a show-and-tell to students who will then tell their parents what they learned. But speaking in front of an audience can be a terrifying thought for some. In this week’s Centurion video series, we look at several ways to be a better speaker, whether you are working with a small group of your employees or a large group at a local event. No matter your speaking comfort level, these videos will increase your confidence. Watch on! (Left image:

How to Start Your Presentation: 4 Step Formula for a Killer Intro | Lighthouse Communications

Learn the formula for a great intro to hook your audience. You’ll learn the steps and see them in action in this video. Click here or on the image below to watch.


6 Public Speaking Tips To Hook Any Audience | Charisma on Command

This video is a sample and a how-to video all in one. The narrator shows you exactly why and how the speaker is connecting with the audience, ensuring a great speech. Click here or on the image below to watch.


How to NOT Get Nervous Speaking in Front of People | Refusing to Settle

A great look at reducing nervousness when speaking and practical tips on giving a great speech. Click here or on the image below to watch.

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