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The Centurion Video Series: Tips For When You Have To Fire Someone |  March 14, 2018 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY—Firing an employee is one of a manager’s most dreaded tasks, but sometimes it needs to be done. Occasionally you get lucky and you're able to move the employee to another part of the company where his or her skills are a better match, and everyone benefits. Unfortunately, often that option doesn't exist, or the employee is so profoundly toxic that it's bringing the entire team down. It's still not easy to fire someone, but sometimes you simply have no choice. In this week’s edition of The Centurion video series, we look at three short segments on how to let someone go. The advice is sound and, while it’s never easy, these tips can help you and the employee get through the process better. Watch on!

3 Signs It’s Time to Fire an Employee | Dave Crenshaw

“The only thing worse than firing an employee is keeping a bad employee in your business for far too long.” This and more in this smart video. Click here or on the image below to watch.



How to Fire a Toxic Employee - It's a Good Idea | Angela Oberer

This video offers 10 tips that can help you get through this difficult situation and perhaps may make it a bit easier. Click here or on the image below to watch.


When You Have to Fire an Employee | Scott Jeffe

First thing in the morning is best – watch this video and find out more (like documentation), and why! Click here or on the image below to watch.